Saturday, November 14, 2015

                                                   Be proactive person

Have you read or heard about the seven habits of highly effective people? It's created by stephen covey, this book is really famous from the first era and it includes to the best seller. Now, here I want to tell and share one of the seven habits book and the book first introduce the concept of paradigm shift and helps the reader understand that different perspective exist. For example that two people can see the same thing and yet differ with each other on this premise it introduces the seven habits in a profer order.
each chapter is dedicated to one of the habits, which are represented by the following imperatives, the first three habit surrounded moving from dependence to independence
your life doesn't just happen wheather you know it or not its carefully designed by you. The choices, after all are yours. You choose happiness, you choose sadness, you choose success, you choose failure, you choose courage or you choose fear. Just remember every moment and every situation, provides a new choices, and in doing also, it gives you a perfect opportunity to do things differently to produce more positive results.

Habit one is be proactive, be proactive is about taking responsibility for your life, you can't keep blaming everything on your parents, grandparents or your friends. Proactive people recognize that they are respon-able. They don't blame genetics, condition or conditioning for their behavior. They know they choose their behavior.
Another one is reactive people, reactive people on the other hand are often affected by their physical environment. They find external sources to blame for their attitude, performances and they blame the weather, they are angry and say things that they regreted. For an example “if I study hard, I certainly won't get angry from our mother..” that is regret and actually we have to be proactive rather than reactive.

The conclusion of this being proactive is all the emotion and mind are in our control. Just you that can decide it. In other words, you're the leader for yourself.  

                                            Why we should study psychology?

psychology it not only learned by someone who wants to become a psychologist alone but for prospective teachers as well, because that is where a teacher has an important role such as; a teacher must be able to understand the difference of learners and teachers also have to deal with a group of students in the classroom with caution, because of the characteristics of each student is different. Therefore it is very important to understand the different characteristics of the students at various stages of growth and development in order to create a learning process effective and efficient. Educational psychology can help teachers and prospective teachers to understand the different characteristics of these students.

Another one that is, we learn the importance of child psychology, why?
because of child psychology, Talking about the problem of children will not be exhausted, sometimes making our parents become confuse and panic.

Each stage will have a positive effects and negative effects. At an early age, many things that attract the attention of children that makes them want to always try even though it is dangerous for the child's own self. At this stage and the role of adult supervision is essential. Provide support and guidance both in children is the right way. According to Erikson, do not give excessive criticism or advice because it can make children grow up with a sense of doubt on its own merits.

For example, if your child is crying for hours without stopping the cry, parents should be smart to cope with their own emotions. Actually, parents do not need to be panic when the child is crying, should remain calm and not be panic is the right attitude of parents to child. According to Hans Grothe, a child psychologist from Germany, the most frequent crying child is age 2 to 3 years, where the cries of children with regard to their own age.

                                                                By : Aisah Siti Sofiah
                                                          Date : 14th of November 2015